Member Portal
Click Here to Enter The Member Portal
Learn more about the Member Portal App by scrolling below. Ready to download?
Click here:
Through the portal’s dashboard tab you will be able to:
- View and print your billing/charge history
- View and print your usage
- Update your street and email addresses
- Update your billing information. (Visa and Mastercard only.) We Do not Honor American Express and Discover at the time. Checking and Savings Account are permitted
Download complete member portal details here.
To access the member portal for the first time, click above to enter portal.
Once on the site, locate the “Access My Account” button listed under “First time here?”.
In the “Register Now” window, enter your first name, last name, and email address that is on file at The Works. After entering your information, select “Search” in the bottom right corner.
Once your account is found, a verification email will then be sent to your email address with the final login instructions. Please open your email to access these instructions.
The email you will receive includes a verification link that must be opened to complete the setup of process. Complete all required fields on the information page, agree to the standard liability waiver (at the bottom of the page), and select “Save Account”. You will then be directed to the member portal home page!
Standard login:After setting up your account you will need to go back to the initial login page. Enter your “Username” (your email address) and “Password” your created in the “Login to theworks” box.
Questions: If you have any problems accessing your account, select “Forgot your password?” and a new verification link will be sent to your email. If you need to set up a new account or if the email address you provided isn’t recognized by the system, contact The Works at 603-742-2163 for further assistance.
Member Portal App WHAT DOES THE WORKS MEMBER PORTAL APP DO:- Allows you to make some changes to your account; add a payment method, view statements, packages, view and download check-in history and more!
- View class and program schedules
- Register or make a reservation for classes and programs
- Cancel your reservation
- Automatically updates your barcode / scan tag for use
- Save classes to your calendar
- Coming Soon: Club Capacity Counter
If you have never logged in to the Member Portal, above, you must do so from a desktop the first time in order to log into the Member Portal app.
If you have already logged in to your portal, you are ready to go!
Download the app from Google Play or iTunes App Store today to get started!
Here's how to access:
Our NEW Member Portal App can be found on the App Store or Google Play.
- From the "Home" screen, select "Account" above the dates.
- You will now see the following options: Profile Information, Club Info, Payment Methods, Statements, Packages, Check-in History, Login Information, etc.
- You can make several account changes, download your check in history, etc.
- Click "Classes" at the bottom of your screen.
- Select the date you are looking.
- If there is an available class, it will show on your screen. Click your class.
- Click "Sign Up"
- Note- you can "Add to Calendar" outside of the app on this same screen, Share your class selection or Favorite for another day!
- Click "Reservations" at the bottom of your screen.
- Select "Swimming" in the scroll bar.
- Select your preferred date.
- Click the time (currently 30 minutes).
- Click "Search"
- Select the available time slot you desire.
- Select "Reserve".
Your reservations or class selections will show up on the "Home" Screen. To cancel a class or reservation, select the date on your screen and hit "Cancel".
QUICK TIPS:If you "Favorite" some classes, they will appear on your "Favorites" Screen (bottom of home page)
"Club Info" will give you access to your reservations, classes and how to contact us.
Member Portal Overview Home Page
When logging in you will be directed to your “Home” page.
The home page lists the following:
- Current balance and membership type – these will be listed just below your name
- Club Announcements – be sure to review for any updates or announcements from the team at The Works!
- Upcoming events and registrations – listed on the right side of the home screen will be upcoming class or program registrations, reservations, etc.
- Note: if you are the primary account holder, select the dropdown menu to the right of your name to navigate to different family members’ profiles
- Home: Navigate back to the “Home” screen outlined above
- View My Info: Update personal and billing information
- Reserve a Court: Select to book new and/or edit your racquetball court reservation
- Program Registration: Register for Swim lessons, Push VolleyBall and Parents Night Out.
- Group Activities: Register for Group Fitness classes, Works Training Academy and Supervised programs.
- View My Statement: Review charges and payments posted to your statement
- Pay My Bill: Pay your account balance
- Packages: View my packages and usage
- Account Access: Determine what linked family members can access on their portal
- Notifications: Opt in or out of club email communications
- Contacts Us: Send the club a question
To complete your registration:
- We recommend searching “By Date.” You can narrow your search using the filters provided at the top of the page.
- Once you have selected the day, select “Search classes”.
- Identify the class you would like to register for and select “Sign Up.”
- Select the user who will be registering for the class. All eligible members linked to the account will be listed.
- After selecting the user name, click “Add to Cart” to proceed with registration
- The program has now been added to your “cart” and payment can be taken (when applicable). Multiple class registrations can be completed prior to completing registration through your cart.
- Select “View Cart” in the top right corner complete your registration
- In your cart, confirm the class reservation(s) and select the green “Continue to check out” button
- Follow the prompts to enter payment (when applicable) and complete registration
- Once you have completed the cart checkout, the user will be registered for the class and their spot secured on the roster!
To complete your registration:
- Locate the program from the list provided. Narrow your search using the filters provided at the top of the page, i.e. keyword or event type.
- Once you have identified the class. Select the green “Sign Up” for the session you would like to register for Select the user who will be registering for the class. All eligible members linked to the account will be listed.
- After selecting the user name, click “Add to Cart” to proceed with registration
- The program has now been added to your “cart” and payment can be taken. Multiple class registrations can be completed prior to processing payment through your cart.
- Select “View Cart” in the top right corner to process payment and complete your registration
- In your cart, confirm the registration and select the green “Continue to check out” button
- Follow the prompts to enter payment (when applicable) and complete registration
- Once you have completed the cart checkout, the user will be registered for the class and their spot secured on the roster!
- Personal Information: To update your personal information, begin by selecting “Edit” in the top right corner of the Personal Information box.
- Billing Information: To update your payment method, begin by selecting “Edit” in the top right corner of the Billing Information box. Bill information can be updated on the primary account.
- When logged in on a primary account, you can navigate between the statements of linked members by selecting the dropdown to the right of your name.
- Statements are organized by month and will show all charges and payments generated in the month selected. To navigate between months, select the month dropdown menu found toward the bottom left side of the statement screen – boxed in red below.
- Click on the “Select Payment Account” menu.
- Select the payment type you will be using for the transaction.
- Enter the account information in the fields provided.
- Select the payment amount - either “Statement Balance” or “Current Balance”.
- Click on the green “Continue” button to proceed with payment.
- Verify your payment information and complete your payment. You will receive confirmation that your payment was completed and has been posted to your statement.
Through the notifications tab you can turn on and off various forms of club email communication. To edit your notification settings, select “Edit” in the top right corner of the Notifications box.
Once the desired notifications have been selected, click “Save changes” in the bottom left corner to confirm notification preferences.
Contact UsIf you have any questions regarding the membership, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!
The “Contact Us” tab allows you to send an email directly to the team using the “What did you want to ask us?” box. You can also reach us directly at 603-742-2163.
We are excited for you to begin using the member portal! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, we are happy to help however we can.